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How to Create a Squarespace Password-Protected Page [2024]

There are a few reasons why you may need to add a password to your Squarespace website. A good example is when you're making important changes to your site’s design and you’re not ready to make the new site public yet. Creating a Squarespace password-protected page means you can control who has access to your content.

This guide shows you how to add password-protected pages to your Squarespace website.

Why Would You Need a Password-Protected Page?

Imagine you’re in the process of developing a Squarespace website, but you haven’t yet committed to a subscription. You’ve put in considerable effort and time, and you’re excited about the progress you’ve made. You’re eager to share your work, perhaps with a prospective client or a colleague, for their valuable input or feedback. This is where a password-protected website comes into play.

A password-protected site is an excellent tool for maintaining control over who can view your work-in-progress website. It allows you to share the site selectively, providing access only to those with the password. This way, you can ensure that your site remains shielded from the eyes of the general public while still enabling specific individuals to view it. It’s particularly beneficial if your site is still under construction or if you’re testing out new features or designs.

Moreover, password protection can be instrumental in scenarios where you want to grant exclusive access to specific users. For instance, if you run an e-commerce store and want to offer loyal customers an exclusive sneak peek into a new product line or a special sale, a password-protected page can serve as a “VIP pass” of sorts. The exclusivity not only makes those customers feel special but also adds an element of intrigue and anticipation.

Adding a site-wide password to a Squarespace website is remarkably straightforward, even if you’re not tech-savvy. With Squarespace’s intuitive user interface, you can secure your website in just a few clicks. Now, let’s dive into the specifics of how to enable password protection on your Squarespace website.

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How to Create a Squarespace Password-Protected Site

Head to your website page settings and select “Site Availability.” Here, you have the option to make your entire website password-protected. Simply select the “Password Protected” option.

You can also choose to make your Squarespace website Private here, but that means that only contributors can access the website. A password-protected website, meanwhile, can be accessed by anyone with the password.

After you select “Password Protected,” you just need to enter your chosen password in the box to restrict access. Note that this new password is different from your actual password.

Click “Save,” and your website will now be password-protected.

People who access the test website with the password won’t be able to make edits (unless they have admin access), but instead, they can offer feedback on your design process.

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Password-protected websites are also sometimes used for brands such as e-commerce stores that want to offer certain users pre-access to new lines or sales. People without access will be hit with a lock screen page (A page with a lock icon and a password input box).

Note that you might encounter some problems when creating a Squarespace password-protected page. I’ve taken the time to list potential issues and their respective solutions in the next section.

5 Common Problems With Password-Protected Squarespace Site and Solutions

When setting a password for your Squarespace website, you might occasionally encounter a few hiccups. But don’t worry; these common issues are usually pretty simple to rectify. Let’s explore some of the prevalent problems you might face and their respective solutions.

Problem 1: Can’t Login to Your Squarespace Website

One common issue is being unable to access your Squarespace website. This could be due to a forgotten password or login details.


If you’ve forgotten your password, click on the “Forgot Password” option on the login page. You’ll receive an email with a link to reset your password. Remember, for security reasons, it’s crucial to use a strong and unique password.

Problem 2: Password-Protected Page Isn’t Working

Sometimes, you might find that the password protection feature for your page isn’t functioning correctly.


This could be due to several reasons. Firstly, ensure that you have correctly set up the password. If the issue persists, try clearing your browser’s cache or trying a different browser. If it still doesn’t work, it might be a good idea to reach out to Squarespace’s customer support.

Problem 3: Website Loading Slowly

A sluggish website can be frustrating and can deter visitors. If your website is loading slowly, it’s important to find the culprit and fix it.


Check if your website has high-resolution images or videos, as these can slow down loading times. Opt for optimised images and compressed videos. Also, check for any third-party integrations that might be slowing down your site. If these steps don’t help, reach out to Squarespace’s support team for further assistance.

Problem 4: Trouble With Custom Code

In some cases, you may hit some roadblocks while trying to customise your password-protected website with custom code.


Make sure your code is correctly written and formatted. If you’re not confident in your coding skills, you could consider hiring a professional or using a website plugin. Squarespace’s customer support might not be able to assist with custom code issues but you may find a fix that works for your particular line of code in the Squarespace Forum.

Problem 5: Mobile View Doesn’t Look Right

Squarespace websites are designed to be responsive, but sometimes, the mobile view of a password page might not look as you expected.


Check the style settings for the mobile view and adjust them accordingly. If necessary, hide specific blocks or elements that don’t work well on smaller screens.

Remember, every problem has a solution, and troubleshooting is part of the process of creating a fantastic website. Stay patient, keep exploring, and don’t hesitate to seek help when you need it. Continue reading for additional tips for securing a password-protected site.

5 Security Tips for Your Squarespace Password-Protected Site

Security is paramount when working online. With hackers and cyber threats lurking in the shadows, one must take the necessary precautions to protect their website.

Since you are likely to be sharing your password-protected site with others, here are some top-notch security tips to keep your it secure.

1. Use strong and unique passwords.

This might seem like a no-brainer, but surprisingly, 64% of users rely on weak passwords or repetitive password variations when securing digital accounts. A strong password should be a combination of letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and special characters, making it hard to crack. And remember, each password should be unique. Using the same password across multiple sites is akin to using the same key for every lock.

2. Regularly update your passwords.

Change is inevitable, and when it comes to passwords, it’s a security necessity. Regularly updating your passwords reduces the risk of them getting compromised. A good rule of thumb is to change your passwords every 3 months.

3. Use two-factor authentication (2FA).

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring two types of identification. It’s like having a second lock on your door. Even if someone manages to guess your password, they would still need the second form of authentication to gain access.

4. Keep your site updated.

Ensure your Squarespace version and any plugins you use are updated to the latest releases. Updates often include security patches to fix any vulnerabilities that have been identified.

5. Train your team.

If you have a team managing your site, make sure they are well-versed in basic cybersecurity practices. This includes not sharing passwords, recognising phishing attempts, and understanding the importance of security updates.

Remember, the best defence is a good offence. By taking these measures, you can ensure that your Squarespace password-protected site remains safe and secure in the face of potential cyber threats. Stay vigilant, stay safe.

Being able to add a password to a Squarespace website is a handy trick to have up your sleeve. If you enjoyed this article and found it useful, be sure to check out the rest of the by Crawford Squarespace guides.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I have a password-protected page on Squarespace?

Absolutely! Squarespace allows you to password-protect your site. This feature is handy if your site is still under development or intended for a specific audience. While the password protection is active, visitors will need to input the correct password to access your site, ensuring it remains inaccessible to the general public until you’re ready to unveil it.

Can you have a private page on Squarespace?

Yes, on Squarespace, you can create a private page by adjusting the visibility settings. You have the option to add a password to grant access to specific visitors, hide the site from all search engines and visitors, or make the page public when it’s ready for everyone to see. This flexibility allows you to control who can view your content, making it ideal for private or restricted access pages.

How do I share an unpublished page on Squarespace?

To share an unpublished page on Squarespace, follow these steps:

  • While logged into your site, go to the page you want to share.

  • Click the arrow in the top-left corner of your site to enter a full preview. This will allow you to view the unpublished page.

  • Copy the URL from the address bar and share it with your colleagues who need to review the page before it goes live.

If your website is password-protected, ensure to forward the password when sharing your website.


There are several reasons why you may need to set up a Squarespace password-protected page. For example, your site may be undergoing major design updates, and you don’t want to reveal the final design to visitors yet. You may also want to keep certain pages private, away from the public, and only accessible to certain visitors.

The process of making a Squarespace page private is as straightforward as it can be — just follow the steps outlined in this guide. And if you do get stuck in the process, I’ve outlined troubleshooting tips to help you out!

Your designer

I’m Sam, an award-winning Squarespace web designer. I have worked with every type of business, building platforms for solo entrepreneurs through to multi-million dollar corporations. If you want to discuss a potential project, you can email me at or get in touch with me here. Alternatively, you can book a free 15-minute consultation call here.

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