How to Add a Promotional Pop-up to a Squarespace Website

Promotional pop-ups can be a great marketing feature to add to your website, encouraging everything from newsletter sign-ups to offering discount codes. 

But how do you set one up on your Squarespace website? Let’s take a look.

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To add a promotion pop-up to your website head to Marketing > Marketing Tools > Promotional Pop-Up.

Here you’ll be met with all of the options you need to set up your pop-up.

Squarespace marketing tools
Squarespace promotional pop up
Squarespace promotional pop up

First you’ll need to choose the layout of your promotional pop-up, Squarespace has a few different choices so have a look at them all to see which one you think will work best on your website.

Next you can choose the action for your pop-up. This is the action that you want the user to take after seeing your pop-up. Squarespace gives you the option of either having someone sign up to your newsletter or to click a button.

Squarespace promotional pop up action

Once you’ve chosen your action you can edit the content that is used to encourage said action too.

Next you can edit your pop-up content, changing the headline and body text depending on what you want to use your promotional pop-up for.

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You can also choose your display and timing. In this section you’ll be able to choose things such as what pages the pop-up appears on, when the pop-up appears e.g. after a user has been on the webpage for 20 seconds, and how often the pop-up is presented to each individual user.

Squarespace promotional pop up display & timing

Here you can also decide if you want to display the pop-up on mobile devices. Personally I disable this feature as I think pop-ups can make the user experience on mobile poor, but that’s up to you.

You can also add an image to your pop-up and edit the style of your pop-up content, playing around with the colors and fonts used.

And that’s it. That’s how you add a promotional pop-up to a Squarespace website. Have a play around with the features until you create the pop-up you want, hit save and hey presto! A promotional pop-up will appear on your website.

Your designer

I'm Sam, an award-winning Squarespace web designer. I have worked with every type of business, building platforms for solo entrepreneurs through to multi-million dollar corporations. If you want to discuss a potential project, you can email on or get in touch with me here. Alternatively, you can book in a free 15-minute consultation call here.

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Sam Crawford

This article was written by Sam Crawford, one of the world’s leading Squarespace website designers.

Sam is an official Squarespace Expert, official Squarespace Partner, official Squarespace Community Leader, official Squarespace blog contributor, official Squarespace panelist, Squarespace educator and multi-award winning Squarespace designer.

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